I show you, yours more darkness dreams "IM YOU MORE WORST NIGTHMARE"

Age 28, Male

idiot/animator/st ud

anonimus idiotis


Joined on 6/29/10

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AX3L001's News

Posted by AX3L001 - July 12th, 2011

hello everyone here in newgrounds.... well the collab is not of all finishied because
i have a bigger help from Sebaametalix
but that not is a problem, when seba finish whit "that" i finishied all the collab and upload it to newgrounds flash portal :D and dark madness 1 have the 2% of the progress
because that 2% of progress is the storyboard i have 1 hour to finishied the storyboard and espicial thanks because the storyboard i make it in the school and TOP0001 give me some ideas to the chapter he name is "andres" in english? i think is andrew... i don´t know but that not interesting and new zombie, i dont know if put in the serie or whatever... this zombie (thanks to god) i make it... whitout help i very happy i hope you like it and thanks for Biosoldier167 because him make much zombies for my serie but he can´t teach me to draw like him but whit the zombies a have from him is a "base" for make new zombies made by me


Dark madness 1 and Madness Bloody Collab progress

Posted by AX3L001 - July 10th, 2011

happy robot day to everyone... or whatever.. its robot day? i dont have calendar LOL

Posted by AX3L001 - June 28th, 2011

i finish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i finish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I FUCKING FINISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

silent hill shattered memories :D in 6 hours..... new reocord for me
is very very very hard... well... some missions..............................
................ and need finish all the progress and dark madness soon... because my pc when i turn on say: "hard disk damage" whatever... wish me luck

Posted by AX3L001 - June 15th, 2011

shit.... how can explain this???
ok, there is go......
collab cancelled...naaa is joke..... the collab is to begins or final of the summer or vacations and dark madness 1 too.... ok see ya....

Posted by AX3L001 - June 4th, 2011

ok f***** (joke)

ok good.... i need help to music to my collab and Dark madness 1 for now i have
this 3 options
what you think about this?:
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /409673
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /405967
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /394589

*note*: another zombie to dark madness 1 Andrew zombie.... is the guy dead when axel arrives and talk whit him in dark madness 0.5 but this is bad i need the help of biosoldier167


Posted by AX3L001 - May 17th, 2011

hey guys..... news!!!!!!! the collab have the 90%
what is the 90%??? the 90% are the clips and the another 10% is finish it....
well i working in that for now.... give me time... i dont know 2 or 3 weeks?? i don´t know... i want be surprise the collab!!! watch out..... can be tomorrow or the tomorrow of the tomorrow... jeje XD still watching

a image of one of my clip´s adn progress of collab:

Fuck yeah!!!

Posted by AX3L001 - May 12th, 2011

well..... some guy!!!!! upload a video of charlie playing master of puppets by metallica.... maybe this song be the first cover of the band... here down the video of "charlie" our guitarrist

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55OySKn a77U

Posted by AX3L001 - April 25th, 2011

WASSUP WORLD??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONLY FOR ANNOUNCE MY NEW BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Flamin' Hots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3 here the link of the page pf facebook....and can you help me to make a button to like??

The Flamin' Hots

Posted by AX3L001 - April 21st, 2011


well you know who i´m, ok
my friend TOP0001 want make me a game of my serie dark madness...but really i no know if is a good idea or bad idea....he send me a beta (unfinishied game part) is a part when you have fight whit 15 zombies, for now have 1 zombie and he no put for now the life, for me is good the beta if you want play it here down are the link:
Dark Madness game beta
ok, play it and tell me if is good idea or bad idea

good idea: 0
bad idea: 3



solo dire que TOP0001quiere hacer un juego de dark madness, pero en realidad no se si sea buena idea o mala idea, me envio n beta (un parte si terminar del juego) lo probe....es buena pero no se si es mala idea o buena idea esta en la parte donde debe matar 15 zombies pero por lo mientras solo ha puesto zombie y no ha puesto las barras de salud, para mi es bueno el beta, si quieres jugar este beta aqui abajo dejo el link:

ok, juegalo y dime si es buena idea o mala idea

buena idea: 0
mala idea: 3


Posted by AX3L001 - April 16th, 2011



i´m walking in the street whit one of my friends and later 2 guys begin to follow us, i dont know why but later of a few minutes the say me: give all you have it was an armed robbery, an assault, which badly!!!!!!! i´m nervous and my friend too but..... i can´t do nothing i lose my celphone...adn my friend arturo lose he usb memory....i sad i lose my celphone but i don´t lose my money.... 1 peso mexican XD


lo dire breve iba caminando por la calle con una amigo y dos tipos no empezaron a seguir y luego nos dijieron dame todo lo que traes era una asalto a mano armada por que segun traian un arma y medio la enseñaron estaba nervioso y mi amigo tambien perdi mi celular y mi amigo arturo perdio su memoria usb estoy triste por haber perdido mi celular pero no mi dinero.....1 peso mexicano!!! XD