I show you, yours more darkness dreams "IM YOU MORE WORST NIGTHMARE"

Age 28, Male

idiot/animator/st ud

anonimus idiotis


Joined on 6/29/10

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Madness Bloody Collab

Posted by AX3L001 - February 2nd, 2011

hello newgrounds....i´m again only for say: now my collab have name... you wan´t entry? of curse but you need...
- 24, 25 or 30 fps
-animate good
-flash 8 (recomend)
-3 or 4 clips
-contact me
For now the participants are:

-Me (1)
-Insolute200 (0)
-Fpp81 (0)
-FallowerofHank (1)
-TOP0001 (out, he lies me.. the test of him he no make it, are of he cousin)
-sebaametalix (0)
-nachocheesemen900 (3)
-BulletSoldier (0)

ok, i make this test to my friends and participants of the collab... if you wan´t see this test enter here Madness test

*EDIT* 02/02/2011: the walking test not is good, ok is good but is strange the form of walk... ok you tell me

P.S: NEWS!!!! i upload my clip, no are finish but if you want see it click here: Unfinishied Collab Clip, I MAKE THAT IN 4 HOURS!!! AND 32 LAYERS AND 25 FPS!!! I OMG I FINISH THE ANIMATION (CLIP) BEGIN: 12:30 P.M. (MÉXICO CITY) FINISH: 12:28 A.M. (MÉXICO CITY) OMFG!!!!!

Madness Bloody Collab


If possible put me too?
But you better not.

Don't forget about the buddylist. Anyway, Are you the collab organizer?

yes i¨m.. why the cuestion??

I was just wonderin, and That segment is the only one I could send. Anyway, You are now in thy buddylist. Good luck with your other shitz.

MPORTANT: Check my news for a minute!

ey, tu collab esta lleno?

no, todavia no llega al limite (todavia no esta lleno)

puedo unirme? hago un clip si puedo

si puedes unirte pero primero debes enviarme un test y subirlo al dump de newgrounds y yo luego te digo si entras o no.. lo mas probable es que entres todos los animadores que estan aqui son buenos

can i join?

Collab part fail was a fail.

????i dont understand

jejeje, pusiste mi personaje de zombie rampage, veo que te gusto eh, jejeje

si, es un buen personaje, estara en el menu del collab y en collab porsupuesto

no quiero ser cabron pero....PUSISTE A FABC??? NO CREO QUE SEA CONVENIENTE, TE HARA PASAR VERGUENZA EN TU PRECIADO COLLAB, NO VISTE COMO ANIMA?? NO ES POR CABRON PERO...esto no es un collab, para animadores medio-avanzados???

no lo puse... solo estoy anunciando su collab de un juego que va a hacer el

I meant that your collab part was bad, also, FaBc is an even worse animator and worker than you, dont work with him, the game will fail.


No voy a pelear con nomaron pero con mierdachesemen si xD cuando este listo semen vas a llorar pendejaso

Nomaron yo ya hice una parte del juego y a axel le gusto así que yo solo haré tres clips del juego de shotter si quieres unete no aceptaremos a nomaron

Disculpa no aceptaremos a semen.... Disculpa nomaron

I dont see this likely to come out as well. Most noob animators usualy cant handle a collab, and i know that because i tried. Also, i wish i could understand what you were saying Fabc because it sounds interesting because i heard my name

why not u use a traductor??
fabc says: Nomaron I already did a part of the game and axel likes so I alone will do three paper clips of the game of shotter if you want join we will not accept to nomaron
fabc says:Also it can be not if if nomaron and I we were hostile and I said to him that I liked his animations on the other hand till now I you it do not say ati semen


Además puede ser no se si el si nomaron y yo éramos enemigos y le dije que me gustaban sus animaciones en cambio hasta ahora no te lo digo ati semen

fabc, para tu leseo wn, nacho ya hizo sus clips, deja de lesear, axel decide si el se queda (lo que yo creo 100 % de ke dejara ke se kede), no obligues a axel a tomar una mala decision si?


sorry i don¨t know why put: traductor... why not use a translater, translator whatever, i don´t know i´m thinking

no lo oblige el me lo dijo sebaa

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