lady´s and...whatever
ok this is a new enemy to Dark Madness and maybe to a animation but that is a secret...
well they caracteristic are:
-are shadows
-he can use camuflage in the dark
-can´t kill he
-can kill that zombie only whit a "especial weapon"
- take the figure of all the shadows
- in the alert mad attack mode is very dangerous
- in the alert mode can see it and can kill him...but is hard try he no see you..if he see you he back to the normality again and he hide in the shadows
- very fast
- absorb you energy...
well that is the caracteristics... a image here down of that a "prototipe"...if you have ideas for the zombie tell me....if you want the sprites tell me.. CLICK HER DOWN FOR SEE A IMAGE
- find the zombie hide in the image....
see ya
- AX3L001
<a href=""> cef68fb0c4ca51ef5f867a74441b2d5</a>
test de zombi, di tu opini´´on, el zombi que hice que te parece? mejor o peor que el tuyo?
bueno...a la vez pienso que el zombie es muy malo....sinceramente.... pero la animacion es algo buena.... pero es un poco rapida....